Friday, December 27, 2019

Forming the Past Tense of Regular Verbs

The tense of a verb suggests the time of its action—present, past, or future. We rely on the past tense to show that an action has already been completed. Adding -d or -ed to Form the Past Tense In the following sentences, the verbs in bold are in the past tense: Wallace moved into his new house last Saturday.Yesterday I visited him for tea. Both move and visit are called regular verbs because they have the same past-tense ending of -ed. If the present form of a regular verb ends in -e, we add -d to form the past tense: Wallace and Gromit move frequently. (present tense)Wallace and Gromit moved into their new house last Saturday. (past tense) If the present form of a regular verb ends in a letter other than -e, we usually add -ed to form the past tense: I visit Wallace and Gromit every Tuesday evening. (present tense)Yesterday I visited them for tea. (past tense) Note that a spelling rule comes into play with verbs ending in -y. If the present form of a regular verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant (for example, cry, fry, try, carry), change the y to i and add -ed to form the past tense (cried, fried, tried, carried): Wallace and Gromit carry the cheese and crackers into the kitchen. (present tense)Wallace and Gromit carried the cheese and crackers into the kitchen. (past tense) Because all regular verbs have the same -ed ending in the past tense no matter what the subject is, subject-verb agreement is not a problem. The Different Sounds of the -ed Ending Dont let the sound of an -ed ending ever trick you into making a spelling error when you form the past tense. While we do hear a d sound at the end of some verbs (for example, moved and visited), we hear a t sound at the end of others (promised, laughed). Also, if you have a habit when you speak of clipping off word endings, dont do this when you write. No matter what sound you hear or fail to hear when you pronounce a regular verb in the past tense, be careful when you write to add -d or -ed at the end. EXERCISE: Forming the Past Tense of Regular Verbs The first sentence in each set below contains a verb in the present tense. Complete the second sentence in each set by adding -d or -ed to the verb in parentheses to form the past tense. When youre done, compare your responses with the answers at the end of the exercise. Carrot Top uses unusual props in his comedy act. Recently he (use) a double-wide toilet seat.Halleys Comet appears every 76 years. It last (appear) in 1986.We rarely punish the children. However, we (punish) them yesterday for spray-painting the dog.Wallace likes knitting and reading the newspaper. Even as a boy, he (like) to invent things.Wallace enjoys Wensleydale cheese and a nice cup of tea. When he was younger, Wallace (enjoy) cheddar cheese.I usually purchase a season ticket from the box office. Yesterday I (purchase) a ticket over the Internet.Gromit graduates from college today. Last year he (graduate) from Dogwarts University.Please carry this invention upstairs for me. I (carry) it into the house.Mookie and Buddy cry when they are hungry. Last night they (cry) for over an hour.Gromit tries very hard to be helpful. He (try) too hard last week. ANSWERS:1. used; 2. appeared; 3. punished; 4. liked; 5. enjoyed; 6. purchased; 7. graduated; 8. carried; 9. cried; 10. tried.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Battle Of The Second Triumvirate - 2571 Words

The Battle of Philippi was the last fought battle of the wars of the second Triumvirate. These wars were a fight between the forces of Marc Antony and Octavian of the Second Triumvirate, and the forces of Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. Brutus and Cassius were the assassinators of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Octavian were very close allies with Julius Caesar and Octavian would become the heir to his throne after the assassination. Because of this, Marc Antony and Octavian would wage a war against Brutus and Cassius to avenge their ally Julius Caesar. Immediately following the assassination of Caesar, Brutus and Cassius fled to Italy to take control of the Eastern provinces. The three main Caesarian leaders, Antony,†¦show more content†¦With the arrival of Republican admiral Gnaeus Domitus Ahenobarbus, communications back to Italy were made very difficult because of the large fleet of ships that he brought with him which blockaded the triumvirate. These fl eets of the Liberators did not wish to engage in a physical battle with the Triumvirate, but only to block their communications with their supply base back in Italy. With this swarming fleet they were able to outflank the Triumvirate and set up their own defensive positions forcing Norbanus and Saxa to retreat from their positions moving west giving the Liberators the upper hand at this spot. Brutus and Cassius were able to gain position on the Via Egnatia on each side with this fleet. To the north and south were impassable marshes and mountains. Brutus and Cassius then split their forces each manning a North and South defensive position of the Via Egnatia. After arriving to the scene, Marc Antony put his troops to the south while Octavian put his troops to the north, preparing for battle with the Liberators. Marcus Junius Brutus was always known in history as being too soft of a general. Although he had little successful battle victories in Thrace and Lycia, he had always been jud ged as being lacking in authority when it came to the generalship of his troops. Because of this, Brutus was commonly referred to as a statesman than a military commander. The other Liberator commander, Gaius

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Passionate Shepherd free essay sample

Comparison Essay: The Passionate Shepherd, Song, My Papas Waltz Love and Hate: Does True Love Conquer All? In recent discussions of love and hate, a controversial issue has been presented: can true love conquer all adversity? On one hand, some argue that love has its limitation. From this perspective, many will claim that familial love cannot conquer a violent home with a violent father. On the other hand, however, others argue that love can conquer any obstacle that appears in a relationship, whether material or natural.In the words of one of this view’s main proponents, â€Å"Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove that valleys, groves, hills, and fields, woods, or steepy mountain yields (Marlowe 777). † According to this view, love is enough to move mountains. In sum, this issue is whether love can conquer all adversity or if love has its limitations that cannot be overcome. My own view is that no matter what type of love, romantic or familial, love can conquer anything.Though I concede that there will always be struggles in the way of loving another person, I still maintain that in the end love will overcome. Although some may object that my views are too idealistic, I reply that love in and of itself is extremely idealistic. What force, when all is said and done, is stronger than love? In the Passionate Shepherd, the speaker offers his lover a multitude of delights to persuade her love in his favor. At the very beginning of the poem he states his intention that we will all the pleasures prove (Marlowe 777) creating a basis upon which all his promises are centered.These intentions are masked in the speakers persuasive nature as he seduces his love with romantic images of Melodious birds singing madrigals (Marlowe 777). It can also be observed that all the gifts which represent the speakers love are all fabricated from nature, such as A cap of flowers, and a kirtle, embroidered all with leaves of myrtle (Marlowe 777). Due to the fact that all substances of nature eventually die, this could imply that as the gifts will die so will his love for her. â€Å"Song† by C.Day Lewis is a more practical and honest view of a love offering. The dream-like qualities of â€Å"The Passionate Shepard† are replaced with more realistic expectations. When the author speaks of an evening by the sour canals, well hope to hear some madrigals (Lewis 779) he knows that because of the pollution they will more likely hear the songs of seagulls, boats, horns, and obscenities. Although both poems express romantic love, the speaker in Song does not try to impress his love with grandeur like the Shepherd. He does not proclaim the gifts he can give her but emphasizes that his love is displayed through the hardships he endures. The speaker in this poem simply offers his honesty. He promises that thou shalt read of summer frocks (Lewis 779). This demonstrates that the speaker offers what he can, and does not fabricate stories about the way things will be. In 1993, Helen Fisher said, â€Å"Pair-bonding is a trademark of the human animal. † She specifically spoke about love from an evolutionary perspective.Adult bonds of love, like those expressed in â€Å"Song† and â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd,† are most satisfying and enduring when marked by a similarity of interests and value, a sharing of emotional and material support, and intimate self-disclosure. None of these components are expressed in either poem about love except for the material aspects. Romantic love can be expressed by couples showering one another with affection. Other couples raise their voices yet also seldom praise one another. Both styles can last. But in the end, does true love conquers all? (Myers 217)Like the speaker in The Passionate Shepherd the speaker in â€Å"Song†, will all the pleasures prove (Lewis 779). † The difference being that the speaker from Song offers it only on the chance that employment may afford it (Lewis 779) Whereas the speaker in The Passionate Shepherd promises to make A gown of the finest wool (Marlowe 777). When the speaker in â€Å"Song† says Care on thy maidens brow shall put / A wreath of wrinkles, and thy foot / Be shod with pain: not silken dress / But toil shall tire thy loveliness (Lewis 779) he gives an indirect compliment to her beauty while emphasizing that love requires work. Despite the absence of material objects, he still tries to be romantic. In â€Å"My Papas Waltz† Theodore Roethke describes an episode in his childhood. In this, what seems to be regular, occurrence his drunken father comes home for the night reeking of alcohol and begins dancing with him. Roethke describes his fathers hands as being battered on one knuckle and extremely soiled. They romped until the pans slid from the kitchen shelf (Roethke 800). † This made his mother so upset that she could do nothing but frown. Finally, his father waltzed him on to bed. My Papa’s Waltz† offers an example of a different kind of love than the romantic love of Song and The Passionate Shepard: familial love. The child’s love and respect for his father is illustrated in the things he overlooks just to be able to carry out the dance. Although â€Å"The whiskey your [his father’s] breath could make a small boy dizzy (Roethke 800)† the â€Å"child hung on like death (Roethke 800). † The speaker also overlooks the pain of his ear scraping against a belt buckle at every â€Å"missed step† of his drunken father just to continue his waltz.Roethke also indirectly implies his respect for his father by stating that his hand is, â€Å"caked hard with dirt (Roethke 800). † This is representative of his father having had a hard day at work. In â€Å"Those Winter Sundays† by Robert Hayden, the poet relinquishes on a regular occurrence in his childhood, similarly to â€Å"My Father’s Waltz. † On Sunday mornings, just as any other morning, his father rises early and puts on his clothes in the cold darkness. He then goes out in the cold and splits fire wood with which he uses to start a fire in the house.After the entire house is warm he calls the rest of his family out of bed. He does not get any thanks for doing this, but that does not seem to matter. Robert Hayden uses a different approach to imply his familial love and respect for his father. He uses an example of a regular occasion that he did not pay much attention to when he was a child but now that he is an adult he looks back on it with the utmost respect. Just as any other day his father gets up bright and early on Sunday mornings. He puts on his clothes in the cold darkness and goes outside to split firewood.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Senior Essay Example For Students

The Senior Essay The Senior essay is written by University or College English students. It is also done by students in other departments and faculties. The project is usually lengthy (40pages usually) and is undertaken with the aid and guidance of your Advisor. It is usually undertaken by senior English majors and this senior essay provides an opportunity for the student to pursue a special interest especially those who love writing long term papers and work independently. It is demanding and it is advisable to take the Senior Seminar if in doubts of what the Senior Essay would require. It can cover a topic in literature, poetry and other aspects of modern interest. We will write a custom essay on The Senior specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Some of the reasons why the senior essay is written are; It is a satisfying way of fulfilling one semester of the senior requirement. Writing it provides an opportunity for those who are eager to pursue a special interest. Writing it provides an opportunity for those who like to write long papers. It allows expression for those who work well independently. The Senior Essay has as its component an intensive research and writing project (critical, not created as it is intended to make the student dig deep and not merely put together what they imagine) undertaken with the guidance of a faculty advisor. The Senior Essay is not a prerequisite for finishing the English major, nor is it compulsory for getting a distinction in the major. The Senior Essay is important because of the devotion it demands from scholars and the knowledge with which it rewards them while they are reading for it. In modern times, many scholars find the knowledge they gained while preparing the Senior Essay of great essence to their private lives. Since it allows independence while working with the Faculty Advisor, it also allows the student to work independently and can thus be enabled to work on their own with little intervention. A student who also takes interest in particular writers like Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, Jane Austen and others can also adopt their works for his Senior Essay and this sort of specialization helps the student discover himself while preparing his Senior Essay and to pick a topic where he/she can plant deep roots. It is necessary to warn the student in advance that a Senior Essay entails inexorable deadlines and sometimes tiring effort; it can be thrilling and exciting to write, but only if there is commitment. Procrastination has proven a tragic error. Given an essay of this magnitude, it is not advisable to leave studying, analysis, and thinking until the last minute. Time is of the essence when the Senior Thesis is involved. An introduction into how the Senior Essay is written is that, in addition to the prospectus and final draft, you will be asked to hand in, at the end of four weeks, five to ten pages of work done or, if appropriate, an annotated bibliography so that you, your advisor, and the department will know how your work is making headway relatively early in the term. It is expected that you meet with your advisor very often as he will do the analysis of the bibliography and ensure that you are in line will bringing in other bits and pieces of experience. This is sine qua non as his role and place cannot be taken too lightly. He or she can chip in bits and pieces of editing and changes that need to be done in the work. An example can be found in some of the already published works such as Re-envisioning Health: The Creative Force of Illness for Virginia Woolf’s Women and also Henry James, George Eliot, and the Ethics of Attention. The earlier mentioned topics are some examples of Senior Essays. .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .postImageUrl , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:hover , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:visited , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:active { border:0!important; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:active , .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51 .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4e5936af0a7728b9ae395eeb080f5c51:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Warren G. Harding EssayFor a person who loves poetry, there are several poems across the world to choose and because they are English students may be better exposed to Literature (modern literature) and the various forms of it. The introduction and conclusion of the essay are necessary and should be taken important as they influence the overall appearance of the work. Usually, a completed senior essay consists of 30- 40 pages. There is really no limitation to the number of pages that can be used. Specific Requirements for the Senior Essay are; On the last week of classes, you are expected to submit an application form. It should contain (a) a report of your topic (which can be anything including issues of modern interests) (b) an index of the reading and research (both main and subordinate) you aim to take on. (c) an outline of the preliminary and advanced courses you have taken that have equipped you to work on your topic independently (d) some meetings scheduled with your advisor (e) a signature from your advisor By the conclusion of the fourth week, the student can submit a few pages of their writing. This is necessary to show how far they have gone with the work and to reflect the possibility of getting the project done. By the close of the ninth week, the student must hand in his/her rough draft. If you fail to submit on time either the initial draft or the introductory work described above, you may not get a grade higher than B+ in your essay. Â  The concluding essay should be submitted by noon on the Friday of the final week of classes in the fall term, and the same goes for the spring term In conclusion, after going through the earlier listed processes, what is done is that it will be read through, graded, and commented upon by your advisor and by an additional reader selected by the Senior Essay Committee. the reports from the two readers will be available from two to three weeks after you submit the last draft although this may vary in other places. The department will retain a copy on file so that future students can see use it as a template and be creative with theirs.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on In Search For The First Americans

In Search of the First Americans -Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr. â€Å"When did the first humans really arrive in the Americas?† According to the article the bones found in the Folsom site are indisputably the oldest evidence of humans. The search for older sites and evidence subdued due to the wide acceptance of the Folsom site. The site was a perfect fit for the guidelines of even qualifying to be a specific archeological site, whereas most others couldn’t even meet one. Evidently in the 1950’s Clovis was uncovered. A dent type stone spear point was found among mammoth bones in deposits directly underneath extinct bison bones containing Folsom spear points. These new points were call Clovis points. The discovery of the Clovis points pushed back the existence of humans to 11,500 years ago. There has been many searches to try and discover older evidence of humans, some have been found, two in particular. These two sites that are found in the artic have suggested human existence over 27,000 years ago. The author believes that there are older and better site out there and that new sites are just waiting to be found. Time will unveil new sites and it is then when we will have a better understanding of how old our existence is. The author says that we cannot settle on the information given to us, that scientists cannot â€Å"foresee† the future. We have a lot to learn and to accomplish in our lifetimes. The author also states that we need more proof when determining the age of human existence. The article discusses the excavation of many sites to find evidence of older bones and tool of our ancestors. This is a form of anthropology, it is called archeology. There are a lot of scientists involved in the research of the age of human existence and a large majority of them are anthropologists, in on form or another.... Free Essays on In Search For The First Americans Free Essays on In Search For The First Americans In Search of the First Americans -Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr. â€Å"When did the first humans really arrive in the Americas?† According to the article the bones found in the Folsom site are indisputably the oldest evidence of humans. The search for older sites and evidence subdued due to the wide acceptance of the Folsom site. The site was a perfect fit for the guidelines of even qualifying to be a specific archeological site, whereas most others couldn’t even meet one. Evidently in the 1950’s Clovis was uncovered. A dent type stone spear point was found among mammoth bones in deposits directly underneath extinct bison bones containing Folsom spear points. These new points were call Clovis points. The discovery of the Clovis points pushed back the existence of humans to 11,500 years ago. There has been many searches to try and discover older evidence of humans, some have been found, two in particular. These two sites that are found in the artic have suggested human existence over 27,000 years ago. The author believes that there are older and better site out there and that new sites are just waiting to be found. Time will unveil new sites and it is then when we will have a better understanding of how old our existence is. The author says that we cannot settle on the information given to us, that scientists cannot â€Å"foresee† the future. We have a lot to learn and to accomplish in our lifetimes. The author also states that we need more proof when determining the age of human existence. The article discusses the excavation of many sites to find evidence of older bones and tool of our ancestors. This is a form of anthropology, it is called archeology. There are a lot of scientists involved in the research of the age of human existence and a large majority of them are anthropologists, in on form or another....

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Colonies of the New World essays

Colonies of the New World essays The early colonies whether they were one of the Middle, New England, or Southern, they knew they needed a central government. The southern colonies had a certain way of handling their lives. Their way of life sometimes did not agree with the other colonies so they did things differently. They relied mostly on slave labor while the other colonies did not. Their economy was based on tobacco. The social structure went as follows The Southern Colonies were larger and more spread out than the other two colonies so they held county organizations rather than town meetings due to the distance. They had County judges and sheriffs who ran the local governments. That was the governmental difference between the southern colony and its Middle and New England counterparts. All three colonies had a royal governor, with an appointed council, and an elected assembly. This showed that the colonies often differed in their approach but in the end they always had the same beginning format. The economy of the Southern colonies consisted of plantations and various-sized farms that were widely separated and grew key staple crops. These plantations and farms were mostly operated using indentured servants or slaves. This colony had a one-crop economy that did well when the weather was favorable. But Mother Nature was not always kind to the settlers and when the conditions changed for the worse the colony suffered greatly. This meant that the Southern colonies were more dependent on England and the generosity of other colonies for manufactured goods and other food items. Tobacco, Rice, and Indigo were the main crops in selective states. Waterways provided the main form of transportation since there were many rivers in that area. While the Puritanism was rampant ion the New England Colonies, Anglicanism was the established Episcopal Church, though in Maryland there was a large minority of Catholics. Like the Middle colonies the Southern colonies pract ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance Growth - Essay Example Such decisions consist of allocation of the resources of the firms with carefully laid out plans to recoup the initial investment as well as adequate returns in the form of cash flows or other benefits that are expected to be generated during the economic life of the asset or investment. It is hard to reverse such capital budgeting decisions without severely disturbing an organization economically or in any other manner. Therefore it becomes critically important for any firm to make its capital budgeting decisions after a systematic and careful analysis of all associated risks and issues. But it must be noted that the capital budgeting decisions are many sided analysis. The process of this analysis involves estimation and forecasting of the current and future cash flows and the economic evaluation of alternative projects on hand. "Since in reality the cash flow estimations take place in a non-deterministic environment, full of complex interplay of conflicting forces, an exact descrip tion about cash flows is virtually impossible"(Chandra Prakash Gupta). Therefore it becomes important that the firm attempts to develop procedures and techniques that help the firm to make a meaningful analysis and evaluation of all the alternatives available in its hands before any decision is taken to invest money in any of the projects. This also makes the decisions of capital budgeting risky and difficult to retrieve. Capital budgeting is primarily concerned with fairly large investments in long-term assets. The assets may be tangible like property, plan, and equipment or intangible like new technology, patents, or trademarks. Irrespective of the nature of the assets, the capital expenditures have two characters; one is that they are meant to be a long term investment and secondly their benefits or cash flows are expected to be spread over many years. These characteristic features make the capital expenditure decisions very important for a firm. The capital expenditure decisions since have a considerable impact on the organization's future cash flows there is a considerable